
B2B Purchase Negotiation Service from Japan for International Businesses

By Macy
09/04/2024 UTC.

For international enterprises, importing goods from Japan in large quantities is an urgent and frequent need. However, this process comes with many challenges regarding costs, legal matters, logistics and negotiations. Therefore, the negotiation service for bulk purchasing from Japan has emerged as a comprehensive solution, assisting businesses in optimizing resources and increasing profits.

Huge quality goods from Japan - a lucrative supplier for businesses

Japan is renowned for producing high-quality products and employing modern technology. From electronics, household appliances to cosmetics, food and children's toys, products from Japan are always highly regarded for their quality and reliability.

Japanese goods
Japan is a source of abundant and quality goods

One of the strengths of Japanese goods is their emphasis on quality. Japanese products are manufactured to high standards of precision, durability and performance. This makes them a worthy investment for both consumers and businesses. Additionally, Japan also boasts many reputable brands recognized for their superior quality.

The supply of Japanese goods is also extremely diverse. You can find everything you need, from the most common items to special and unique products. From the most advanced electronic components to exquisite traditional handicrafts, Japan has a vast supply of goods to meet every need. For businesses, this is a quality supply source because they can easily find suppliers for all kinds of products.

Meanwhile, global consumers are increasingly focusing on product quality and are willing to pay more for high-quality and reputable products. Therefore, trading and distributing Japanese products in the Vietnamese market is a significant opportunity for businesses.

Top trending Japanese products for business

Here are some notable products from Japan suitable for trading in the global market:

  • Cosmetics: Japanese cosmetic brands such as Shiseido, Kose, Sana, Hadalabo, etc., are popular worldwide due to their high quality and advanced technology.

    Japanese cosmetic
    Japanese cosmetics are one of the most popular product categories
  • Household goods: From washing machines, refrigerators, microwaves to rice cookers, Japanese appliances are famous for their durability and energy efficiency.
  • Functional foods: Japanese nutritional supplements, vitamins, and beauty drinks are highly popular.
  • Children's toys: Robots, model kits, dolls, educational toys from Japan are of good quality and innovative design.
  • Cars and auto parts: Japan is the birthplace of famous car brands like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Suzuki, etc.

Additionally, there are many other potential products such as sportswear, office equipment, kitchen utensils, manga/anime...

4 ways to import goods from Japan 

Direct procurement (hand-carrying)

The simplest method is for individuals or businesses to purchase goods directly from stores, supermarkets in Japan and bring them to your country. The advantage is easy implementation, not too costly for small shipments.

However, this method is only suitable for small quantities, and transportation costs and time will be significant for large shipments. Moreover, quality control and traceability face many difficulties.

Wholesale purchases through e-commerce platforms

With the development of e-commerce, businesses can now order wholesale goods from large e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Rakuten, Yahoo JP, etc., in larger quantities than retail.

The advantages are convenience, easy price comparison, and product selection from many suppliers. However, negotiating prices and quality may be more limited than purchasing directly from manufacturers or distributors.

Import through authorized agents, official stores

Many businesses choose to import goods through authorized distributors of major brands in Vietnam or directly from Japan. This ensures the origin, quality, and quality of the products.

However, they often require minimum order quantities and higher prices than purchasing directly from factories. At the same time, the ability to negotiate prices is still limited.

Import through cross-border e-commerce enablers 

Finally, the method of importing through an intermediary company specializing in importing and distributing goods from Japan. These companies will undertake negotiation, importation, transportation, customs clearance and delivery.

Import Japanese goods
Intermediaries negotiate and import goods on behalf of enterprises

The biggest advantage is their ability to negotiate and purchase large quantities directly from manufacturers or distributors in Japan at the best prices. Moreover, they also understand the laws and procedures in both countries, helping to shorten the time and optimize logistics costs.

However, businesses need to choose a reputable unit with reasonable service fees to ensure that their profit margins are not significantly affected.

Why should you use bulk purchasing negotiation services in Japan?

There are several reasons why businesses should consider using negotiation services for bulk purchasing from Japan instead of doing it themselves:

  1. Significant cost savings: With large quantities, service providers can negotiate purchases at much lower prices than retail or conventional intermediaries. This helps significantly reduce input costs and increase profits.
  2. Access more goods suppliers: They have relationships with many leading manufacturers and suppliers in Japan, helping businesses access quality goods in large quantities that are normally difficult to achieve.
  3. Professional negotiation experience: Experienced negotiation teams will help businesses achieve the best prices and terms from suppliers. They understand the business culture and effective negotiation methods in Japan.

    Professional negotiation experience:
  4. Logistics process optimization: With years of import experience, they will optimize the transportation process, customs clearance, minimize risks, and logistics costs.
  5. Legal support and compliance: They understand the laws, regulations in both countries to ensure a smooth import process and compliance with all regulations.
  6. Time and resource savings: Businesses will not have to invest much time, manpower in market research, finding suppliers, negotiation, and importation. They can focus on core business activities.
  7. Comprehensive A-Z service: Some providers also support inspection, packaging, cargo insurance, warehousing, distribution, helping businesses feel assured from purchase to market.

In conclusion, with professional support from negotiation services for bulk purchasing, businesses can significantly save costs, time, and valuable resources to focus on more effective business development.

How to choose a reliable negotiation service for bulk purchasing in Japan

To choose a reliable negotiation service provider for bulk purchasing in Japan, businesses should consider and evaluate the following criteria:

  1. Experience and reputation in the market: How many years has the company been operating in the field of importing from Japan? Are there many large business clients who trust them? This reflects capacity, reputation, and professionalism.
  2. Scale and resources: Does the company have enough resources in terms of personnel, warehouses, transportation to meet large order quantities conveniently?
  3. Supplier network: Do they have enough relationships with leading factories, suppliers in Japan to ensure both quality and quantity of supply?
  4. Professional negotiation experience: Do their staff have experience in negotiating in Japan to achieve the best terms and prices?
  5. Diverse, comprehensive services: Do they provide full services from negotiation, importation, logistics, customs clearance to distribution? Or do they only provide negotiation services for bulk purchasing?
  6. Transparency, clear reporting: How is the reporting process and transparency of information, data? Is it easy to control and evaluate the effectiveness of cooperation?
  7. Competitive service fees: Compare their service fees with other negotiation service providers for bulk purchasing on the market to ensure reasonable, budget-friendly costs for businesses.
  8. Good after-sales support: Do they provide customer care services, technical support and handle post-delivery issues well?

In addition to the above criteria, businesses should also research the service attitude and reputation from previous customers, read reviews on reputable review sites to find the most suitable provider for bulk purchasing negotiation services.

Important terms to agree upon when using bulk purchasing negotiation services

When negotiating a bulk purchasing contract from Japan, businesses need to pay attention to some important terms:

  1. Price and payment method: Core terms in any business contract. Clear provisions should be made for unit prices for each product, applicable exchange rates, batch discounts, specific payment methods, and schedules.
  2. Quantity of goods: Specify the minimum quantity for an order and the expected order quantity for each delivery so that both parties can prepare resources.
  3. Quality standards and inspection requirements: Clearly define quality standards, inspection methods, and acceptable quality levels for goods. Also, specify responsibilities and procedures in case of defects or disputes.
  4. Delivery terms and responsibilities: Define delivery terms (EXW, FOB, CIF, etc.), delivery schedules, transportation methods, responsibilities, and costs associated with transportation, insurance, customs clearance.
  5. Intellectual property rights: Clarify intellectual property ownership and licensing rights related to imported products to avoid legal disputes later.
  6. Warranty, return, and after-sales service: Clearly state warranty terms, return policies, and after-sales service commitments to ensure customer satisfaction.
  7. Confidentiality and non-disclosure: Protect confidential information, trade secrets, and sensitive business information shared during negotiations and collaboration.
  8. Dispute resolution and termination: Establish a clear mechanism for resolving disputes through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. Also, define conditions and procedures for contract termination.
  9. Compliance with laws and regulations: Ensure that the contract complies with all relevant laws and regulations of both importing and exporting countries.

These terms should be discussed, negotiated, and clearly documented in the contract to avoid misunderstandings, disputes, and legal issues during the implementation process.

Ezbuy Japan - Your partner for bulk purchasing negotiation services and exclusive support for business owners

Ezbuy Japan is a reputable and professional provider of bulk purchasing negotiation services from Japan in the market. With over 5 years of experience, Ezbuy Japan has established strong relationships with thousands of manufacturers, suppliers, and major brands in Japan.

In addition to negotiating the best prices for businesses, Ezbuy Japan also offers other support services such as:

Comprehensive A-Z solutions:

  • Product consulting and optimal supply chain direction
  • Importation, transportation, customs clearance, and warehouse services
  • Direct fulfillment operations from Japan to Vietnam
  • Inspection and packaging of goods
  • Nationwide distribution and doorstep delivery

Flexible financial support:

  • Providing commercial credit for deferred payment on a quarterly or 6-month basis
  • Installment sales solutions for Vietnamese consumers
  • Comprehensive cargo insurance during transportation
  • Helping businesses free up cash flow for reinvestment in business development

Technology support:

  • Integration of warehouse management software and order tracking
  • Automation, optimization of payment and accounting processes

Professional support team:

  • Experienced negotiation experts
  • Dedicated and enthusiastic customer care
  • Personnel offices in Vietnam and Japan
  • Dedicated liaisons for large business partners

With comprehensive solutions, Ezbuy Japan ensures the most convenient and effective bulk purchasing process from Japan for businesses, helping to optimize costs and increase profits. This is why many business owners choose to trust them.

>>> Read more: Reliable tax refund purchasing service in Japan

By leveraging bulk purchasing negotiation services from Japan, Vietnamese businesses have the opportunity to access high-quality product supply sources at the most reasonable costs. This helps them strengthen their competitive advantage in the current landscape while providing quality choices for Vietnamese consumers.